Today I'm going to be teaching you everything there is to know about the world boss Kzarka in Black Desert Online. This guide is going to be pretty comprehensive and cover all the relevant information about the boss.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 General Guidelines
  • 3 Kzarka Node
  • 4 Kzarka Knowledge
  • 5 Kzarka Spawning
  • 6 Gear and Level Recommendations
  • 7 Where to Find Kzarka/Where Does Kzarka Spawn
  • 8 The Fight
  • 9 Strategy to Defeat Kzarka
  • 10 Kzarka Mechanics
    • 10.1 Second Mechanic
  • 11 Kzarka Loot


Kzarka is known as the lord of corruption, and he's a world boss that drops the current best in slot main hand weapon for all classes, as of the time of writing. In addition to dropping the best in slot gear, he also can drop other great loot, such as Liverto weapons, 10 G gold bars, and rare gems. These can be socketed into gear, plenty of silver, and more, making him a great boss to kill and farm if you're looking to make some quick and easy profit in Black Desert.

Before we get into information on Kzarka specifically, let's go over some general guidelines that you want to follow for all of the world bosses in Black Desert.

General Guidelines

Firstly, your entire server will be killing the world bosses with you, and the high concentration of players in a small area can cause your frame rate to drop dramatically, which will often lead to your death. To help combat this, you'll want to reduce the amount of stuff going on on your screen. You can turn off other player's skill animations in your screen settings and remove both their names and pets in your game settings. This will drastically improve your frame rate while killing world bosses and allow you to see the bosses attacks, instead of just seeing hundreds of other players attack animations.

Kzarka Node

Next, you can get an increased chance at loot by connecting and leveling up the node associated with the boss you're trying to kill. For Kzarka specifically, this node is Serendia Shrine, and you can get there by starting at Glish, then connecting the nodes called Southern Cienaga, Southern Guard Camp, and finally, Serendia Shrine. From here, you can invest your character's energy into the Serendia Shrine mode to level it up.

The higher the level of the node, the better your chance at rare loot from all mobs in that node location, including world bosses. It is currently unknown how much leveling up a node is intended to help increase rare loot, and at the time of writing, it appears as though the mechanic is bugged and not affecting loot chance at all. But hopefully, by the time you're reading this, it will have been patched, so investing your energy into Serendia Shrine will be well worth it, and affect your chance of getting rare loot from Kzarka.

Kzarka Knowledge

Finally, you can learn knowledge about a boss before even attempting to kill it, which will both increase your chances at rare loot and allow you to see exactly how much health the boss has left as you kill it. You can gain knowledge on Kzarka specifically, by speaking with the NPC located just across from the node manager at the Serendia Shrine known location, his name is Hakkon.

You'll need to select the conversation option and play the Amity game until you reach 50 Amity with this NPC, then leave the conversation and talk with them again to get a chat option, which will give you knowledge on Kzarka. You want to make sure that you get your knowledge level to either A+ or S Rank before attempting to kill the boss, as this will give you the best chance of receiving rare loot.

Kzarka Spawning

Now let's get into the boss and the fight itself. Kzarka spawns roughly every eight to twelve hours, and you'll get a notification on your screen when he spawns on your server. World bosses do not spawn on the Olvia channels, however, so if you're a new player, you'll need to hop to a different channel once the bosses spawn. There is a dedicated discord server that is extremely useful for farming world bosses, and it will give you information on every single boss.

Gear and Level Recommendations

I recommend being at least level 54 to attempt to kill Kzarka, but you'll get loot much more consistently if you are awakened and at level 56 or higher. There's a chance that you'll get absolutely no loot when killing Kzarka. Still, it seems as though the loot is distributed primarily based on comparative damage, so if your damage output is within the top 30 to 40 people at the boss, you'll get loot pretty much every kill.

Note that it is possible to get loot by hitting the boss once and then hiding and waiting for it to die, so you can still attempt to kill the bosses or leash skills and hope to get lucky with loot if you're a lower level or under-geared, but the chance of receiving loot is much higher if you deal a lot of damage. So, I would not recommend trying to go world boss farming if you are under-geared or unawakened.

Where to Find Kzarka/Where Does Kzarka Spawn

Kzarka itself is located inside of the Serendia Shrine, which is located due south of Hydel and just southeast of Glish. Once you get to the shrine, you'll want to run through it following the leftmost path, through all of the doorways and into the final room of the shrine, which is where you'll find Kzarka.

The Fight

The fight itself is very straightforward, as Kzarka does not have too many mechanics you need to be worried about. The majority of the battle will be his auto attacks, where he swipes his arms around in front of him, dealing moderate damage to anyone that's in front of where he's facing.

Strategy to Defeat Kzarka

The best strategy for his auto attacks is to stay behind Kzarka at all times so that you're outside of the AoE damage range of his auto-attacks. Strafe left and right and use your class's mobility skills to make sure that you face Kzarka's back at all times. Dealing back damage is more effective than dealing with frontal damage anyway, and you'll be safe from his attacks. He does spin around the room throughout the fight.

Still, within a few minutes of fighting him, you'll easily be able to predict his movement patterns and use your class's mobility skills again to make sure you stay behind them and attacking his back at all times. If you do get caught off guard and get hit, his auto attacks should not be enough to kill you, unless you have a deficient DP value on your armor, so you should be able to drink a potion and then quickly surge behind them and continue dealing back damage.

In addition to these auto attacks, however, there are two unique mechanics he'll do throughout the fight, and these you'll need to avoid at all costs. Both of his special attacks are triggered by a black smoke animation, where smoke will rise around him on all four sides, and he will also become untargetable as this happens. Whenever you see the smoke or notice that you're no longer targeting Kzarka, this is your cue to move away from him as quickly as possible and head immediately for cover behind one of the pillars in the four corners of the room.

Kzarka Mechanics

The first mechanic is a fire breath mechanic, where Kzarka breathes fire in a frontal AoE cone, directly on the ground in front of him. There will be a giant red cone on the ground to signify where the damage from this attack is dealt, so make sure your character is outside of the red area on the ground, and you'll be safe.

Additionally, for extra safety, you can make sure your character is behind one of the four pillars in the corners of the room, and you will take no damage whatsoever. If you get caught in the fire breath, you'll pretty much die no matter how well geared you are, so it might be a good idea to hit V and safely move away if you notice that the red cone is underneath your character and you don't think you'll have time to move away immediately. Once you're outside of the fire of the red zone, you're safe to start dealing with damage to Kzarka again, as the mechanic will be over soon, and as long as you're outside the red, you will not take damage.

Second Mechanic

The second unique mechanic happens in three phases:

The first phase is a bunch of small red circles that appear on the ground around the room. Stay outside of the red circles during this part, and you'll be safe. Next, a giant red circle of AoE damage will appear, covering almost the entire room, and there are two ways to avoid this AoE circle. Firstly, you can go all the way to the outside edge of the room to get outside of the red circle, at which point you'll be safe from damage. Still, also you can hide behind one of the four pillars in the corners of the room, and providing your character is directly behind one of the four pillars you will not get hit by this AoE damage, even though you are inside of the circle.

After the vast AoE attack, there will be another final wave of small circles that appear on the ground again. It would be best if you avoided them until they disappear, at which point you can go back to damaging Kzarka as the special mechanic is now officially over after the second wave of small circles disappears. Many players make the mistake of rushing back in to hit Kzarka too quickly during the second phase of red circles. So remember to wait until you see all of the circles disappear entirely before you run back in towards the boss again, or you may get hit right before they go and end up dying. Better safe than sorry.

These two special mechanics will be repeated at random times throughout the fight, so make sure you continually deal back damage to Kzarka while avoiding his auto attacks, and keep your eye open for the black smoke that signifies one of the special attacks. When you see the smoke, head to the outside edge of the room or get behind a pillar, and avoid red at all costs. Rinse and repeat this throughout the fight, and you should have no problem defeating Kzarka with the rest of your server.

If you do happen to die during the fight, choose to re-spawn at the nearest node, and you'll be re-spawn right outside the shrine, so you can run back in and immediately continue fighting.

Kzarka Loot

Once Kzarka dies, your pets will auto-loot the corpse, if you got any loot. But if you don't have pets with you, you'll need to run up to Kzarka's body and press R to see if you got any loot. The loot that everyone wants is called Sealed Kzarka Weapon Box, which can be opened to receive a best in slot primary hand weapon.

The cool part about these boxes though is that it won't give you the weapon until you open the box, so if you get it on one class but want it to be a weapon for a different class, you can put the sealed box into storage and then take it out on the class you'd like. Then, when you open the box, you'll get the weapon for whatever class opens the box, not the class that received the drop.

It is rumored that the weapon box is approximately a 1% drop chance for all players who receive loot, but keeping in mind that not every player will get loot each, this means that less than one out of every hundred players will get a weapon box per kill on average. This is a scarce drop, and you should not expect to get one when you kill this boss.

In addition to the weapon box, there's also a drop you can get called Kzarka's Latent Aura. If you manage to collect a hundred of these Auras over many total kills, you can turn in 100 Latent Auras to the node manager for Serendia Shrine, and he'll give you a Kzarka's Weapon Box in return for the hundred Auras.