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Was Fortune Stashed to Help South Rise Again

Today has been an EVENTFUL DAY IN THE PROPHETIC equally the Lord begin to talk to me. I heard Him say… THE S Will RISE AGAIN! wow… I said, that was loud and clear. I felt him saying to me: Go await on the calculator about the news and what is happening. I went and this is what I found that did stand out sharply to me:

I noted on the newscast, CBN a report titled: "Roy Moore, What Gay Union Fight is Really all About"

As I listened to this video recording of statements fabricated by Guess Roy Moore of Montgomery, Alabama, I heard the Lord say to me: REMEMBER THAT I TOLD You: ANGELS WERE LINED Up Around THE BORDERS OF EACH Land IN AMERICA FIGHTING FOR MY PEOPLE. Yes, I said. I remember very well. Information technology was around the time you lot sent me to Washington, DC to prophecy at the Capitol Edifice. I saw that it had straight bearing on this news commodity. THE ANGELS ARE WORKING….!!!!

I then heard the Lord say Cheque OUT WHAT HAPPENED IN HISTORY ON THIS DAY! I typed in MARCH 11 AND AS I TYPED I SAW IN THE SEARCH LINE…"MARCH xi, 1861 THE Amalgamated STATES OF AMERICA SIGNED THEIR CONSTITUTION. I read then: On this Date: March 11, 1861 the Confederate States of America met together in MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA to ratify the conditional CSA Constitution. … WOW… I SAW Information technology… IMMEDIATELY… They who signed were in Montgomery, Alabama on history's past date of today! Estimate ROY More IS IN THE NEWS TODAY!!! Equally I researched I found out which states signed, They were made upwardly of Five STATES: Due south Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, ALABAMA, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. In this ratification of their conditional constitution THEY STATED WITHOUT DOUBT THAT THEY DECLARED THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA A NATION. Stating their constancy every bit a Costless People from the United States of America to exercise and live their lives as they choose without big government interference. The conclusion to become A Split AND DISTINCT NATION WITHIN A NATION was because of the consequence commonly known by Historians every bit a… ***((( "WAY OF LIFE"))) not equally much about Slavery. *** They declared that the Federal "Big Regime" in Washington, DC did non have the right to strength its people to alive by principles contrary to their beliefs or Mode of Life in the old South.

At this moment, CELESTE CAME INTO MY OFFICE AND SAID: I JUST GOT A Discussion? WHAT DOES Information technology MEAN? What is the give-and-take, I said? She said it was RATIFY . Immediately I know that that word was referring to [I had just read about how they did Ratify the temporary Constitution] THE RATIFICATION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE CONFEDERATED STATES OF AMERICA! I knew that the Lord had simply confirmed to me I WAS HEARING HIM LOUD AND Clear!


"I AM GOD OVER AMERICA, None other can even stand up before me. I AM THAT I AM. See that you understand ALL I SAY (this twenty-four hours March xi, 2015). It is Of import that yous empathise. It is very important considering much rests upon this Word to America [and my Church in America].

I see America's Moral immoderacy. I encounter many Attitudes Manifestly. I meet y'all think your OK without me, so I say At present Nosotros Volition SEE!

I am writing this to Both WARN you and to INFORM you; yous all stand at the CROSSROADS TODAY! Today is March 11, 2015, a very Important Day. On this twenty-four hours, in your History , If you become back to read, you will see EXACTLY WHY I SAY: ***THIS IS A HISTORY MAKING Solar day!

First notation that on this twenty-four hours in Montgomery, Alabama, Vii STATES MET to renew and RATIFY their Intent. They wished to brand information technology fully known; their commitment to Fight for their independence from this America Land. However as they signed, they did sign a commitment to not be part and political party with the nation of America. A new nation they embraced and coveted, A WAY OF LIFE to be preserved. Delight notice why they desired it, Was it not for Liberty to Cull? What they did not want was anyone telling them how to live, but clearly they desired LIFE AS THEY HAD KNOWN IT.

Right or Incorrect, I TAKE NO ISSUE ON SLAVERY, I have no stand today. All I say is this: Are men Complimentary to live their beliefs? If men are Free to cull their way of Life, then this is what they sought. Let it stand and then, this declaration was in this intent: To be Free Men. [Like I said, I do not enter into the issue of slavery now], but only to their declared desire; to maintain and proceed their "WAY OF LIFE".

The pre-Civil State of war S was what they fought for, not so much for slavery, but for THEIR South. Men who truly disliked Uncle Sam telling them how to live and what to exercise. They spoke their mind and stood to fight for all they did protect. To these men of the South, they considered it an Intrusion by the big Federal Government into their lives.

Consider their position, expect carefully at where they stood. Y'all volition see how they thought and see what they saw. Feel it with them and know how information technology felt. They felt their very Fashion OF LIFE being taken from them.

Today as you lot stand up on the same ground they stood upon, can you not hear a REPEAT OF WORDS ONCE SPOKEN? Listen carefully and you will know exactly how they thought. Now, What do you hear? Hear them as they say, Matrimony is planned and purposed for one homo and one adult female. Think about the past and where it all began; was it non in the commencement when I created them?

The issue is non now well-nigh something else totally wrong or unclean, but near the very Fashion OF LIFE I have designed men and women to live. Issues are Bug. Issues are what split up men. Some accept Issue with even Me, The Great I AM. Now issues will again play the office to split men. Once more men will run into to agree to stand to remain free and to live their Manner OF LIFE.

Listen now and hear the ground rumble equally you hear men marching. Yes, Marching as to war to fight for their rights. Hear them chanting: ONWARD TO BRING THEM Down" [Those over-stepping Federals, who seek our end].

TODAY MARKS THE BEGINNING OF MUCH CIVIL War IN THIS LAND. Today once over again, Montgomery, Alabama plays its hand. Watch as other states cry out, "INCLUDE U.s.", We are with you to the end!

It was on this solar day – MARCH eleven, 1861, that adamant men did take their stand to exist complimentary men. They had been function of this America Land merely no longer did they stay. They did walk away defiantly declaring to be Free from its Laws.

Tin you now see, see the coming fight? They who written report History telephone call it THE Neat Ceremonious State of war. AGAIN IT HAS BEGUN, EVEN Now IN THE HEARTS OF MANY MEN; as cry for FREEDOMS WAY OF LIFE to prevail.

What will MY PEOPLE [THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD] DO? Will they keep to sleep every bit many do? Eyes airtight, or might I say, MOUTHS CLOSED to non speak? Will not they awaken all, aye ALL to stand on their ain feet, declaring with all men, It IS Time TO FIGHT! How tin can one fifty-fifty sleep amidst such a mayhem [noise]?

Freedom's Call now calls again: To all men who discover their personal liberties threatened or taken away! Yes, Hear them weep out in the Night: WE WILL Non SURRENDER TO THEIR Demand! We volition withdraw from all who do not choose Liberty. We will say NO. Hear them as they Speak out, yes, fifty-fifty SHOUT. Give United states of america Liberty OR Give U.s.a. DEATH!

***(((Marker THIS Twenty-four hours. All y'all who are reading what I say, and all who have ears to hear. HEAR. THIS 24-hour interval Will BE REMEMBERED, Once more!

America is Divided and to this all men must concord. Much is the reason this division stands. Have I non said a house divided cannot stand? Have I not warned you lot? At present sentry and run across from this day the downward form of this nation [if it continues as it is going].

IF THINGS CONTINUE Every bit THEY ARE THIS NATION Volition DIVIDE; IT Will NO LONGER BE UNITED. Many States and people will again break away. Fifty-fifty every bit this nation did break abroad from England and the South from the North, DIVISION IS UNSTOPPABLE, IT IS COMING!

America volition no longer exist a nation undivided with freedom for all, but America will be STATES EXISTING IN THE MIDST OF DIFFICULT CIRCUMSTANCES AND DAYS. AMERICA WILL NO LONGER Be A NATION UNDIVIDED WITH LIBERTY FOR ALL, but information technology will exist only States Existing in the midst of difficult days. America volition no longer be Smashing nor will it be one.


TO MY BODY, MEN AND WOMEN, YOU KNOW THIS IS NOT YOUR FINAL HOME; information technology is only a Place. Pilgrims you are in search of a better place, A LAND NOT MADE BY Easily. To y'all who are mine, I say: I AM THAT I AM. I WILL NEVER LEAVE You NOR Forsake MY Ain. I Will Exist BY YOUR SIDE. I AM WITH You.


MARCH ON, Stand up FOR Right AND I Will DEFEND Yous. IF Yous Get Hurt, JUST KNOW, I AM THE ONE WHO Volition AVENGE Y'all!

TRUST ME. Practise Not Compress Away. WALK TALL!


* * * * *

Upon completion of writing the in a higher place Word, Celeste came with another Word:

Usa [governing regime] need your prayers for Righteousness to Rule and Reign. At that place is MUCH CONFLICT. Just with the prayers of God's People volition this turn. Righteousness must rule, let it rule in your eye today. [He wants u.s.a. to be physically examples in our life as to the way we are living].

To all reading this word then ALL SHOULD BE PRAYING MUCH FOR THIS NATION. THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD [CAN TURN THIS JUDGMENT Abroad] Just… Nosotros ALL MUST PRAY AND Repent FOR THIS NATION. SEEKING GOD FOR FORGIVENESS AND HELP. Information technology is a very important thing for united states of america to do TO HEAR THIS Word OF WARNING Near AMERICA… AND TO ****[P R A Y ]

by: Celeste Dewey

* * * * *

I have written this Give-and-take from the Lord and done so in obedience to Him. Lord bring forth this give-and-take and I pray for all Believers everywhere to stand and Pray for this Country and that this Civil War does not come up upon us, but that there will exist repentance in the Land and that many will turn.

~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey

Prophet Ken Dewey Evangelist/Prophet/Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of "OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES" in Belen, New Mexico, U.s.. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry building. Detect : One of the ways you can get involved in this OUT OF THE DESERT Regular army is to become a PARTNER or to GIVE A DONATION . We are believing God for many more Monthly Partners to stand with united states in Monthly Giving and Offerings. If you lot have a desire to aid and give, please know we need your help. God is sending people as I write to this identify. We need your help and prayerful giving to enable us to practise more for more people. Please ship you pledge to becoming a Monthly Partner or to sow an offering into this Ground. To make a donation to OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES delight send to: PO BOX 223, BELEN, NEW MEXICO. Delight PRAY ABOUT SENDING A Honey Offering TO SOMEONE WHO IS IN THE MIDST OF THE Battle FOR SOULS.. AND TO Open BLINDED Eyes OF THOSE WHO ARE SLEEPING IN THE Trunk OF CHRIST. We NEED YOUR Assist TO DO ALL THAT GOD IS SAYING FOR U.s.a. TO DO. Give thanks YOU ALL …

